AEG held August 8, 2016 in Pama , a building workshop for members of Local Committees for Water ( CLE ) associations working in the field of protection and preservation of water resources. This workshop aimed to equip primary stakeholders in technical maintenance works Actors working for the protection and preservation of water resources met …
Training of water agencies on the principles of IWRM
As part of the partnership between the agency of the Dutch Water World Waternet and the Water Agency Gourma , Burkina five agencies were invited to a training in Morocco on the theme : “the principles of IWRM “which was held from 18 to 29 January 2016 at the Institute of Water and Sanitation based …
CLE Programming Seminar
Since 2011, the Water Agency Gourma ( AEG ) accompanies Committees Water spaces ( CLE) in the identification and implementation of actions water resource protection. So in order to continue its actions of technical and financial support that the Directorate General of Water Agency Gourma organized the Monday, March 21 and Tuesday 22 , 2016 …
The Local Water Committee: Basic link for concerted management of water resources
Integrated Management of Water Resources (IWRM) is a process involving all actors in the field of water. To this end, the subsidiarity principle is that decisions are taken at the lowest appropriate level. Thus, the Local Water Committee (CLE) appears as the basic essential link in the chain of consultation regarding issues related to the …
The Gourma Water Agency protects its Water Sources
The Gourma Water Agency carried out an inventory of the sources of its area of expertise in 2016. Thus, twenty-one (21) have been listed. Then in 2017 she proceeded to their characterizations. The results of this activity have as corollary the development of these sources during the year 2018. Indeed, as part of the implementation …
Interactive Issue on IWRM and AEG for the populations of the eastern region
The Water Agency Gourma committed since the beginning of 2015 in pursuit of its vision to ’water for all today and tomorrow.’ ’ It is in this light that it organized Thursday, October 22, 2015 in the local radio RTB 2 East, an interactive program for the populations of the eastern region. This show was …