Water demand takes into account consumer demand and non-consumer demand.
The first is the demand from the sectors that take water and absorb or transform it. It is the water used for:
- the beverage,
- the irrigation,
- livestock watering,
- construction work,
The second is the demand from sectors where the water used can still be exploited for other purposes. This is the example of the water used for:
- the operation of turbines for the production of hydroelectricity
- fishing / fish farming
- tourism ….
Consumer demand.
It is the most important in the area of competence of the GSA.
Without being able to estimate the quantities of each demand category, we will only cite the different categories:
Domestic demand.
urban environment with ONEA: 40 l / d / inhabitant
rural area: 20 l / d / inhabitant.
Demand for breeding: 35 l / d / unit of tropical livestock
Request for irrigation.
- small areas: 1,500 m3 / ha / year
- improved lowland: 5,500 m3 / ha / year
- market gardening: 8000 m3 / ha / year.
Non-consuming demand.
- hydroelectricity (SONABEL- Kompienga)
- fishing / fish farming and forestry
- environment, tourism and leisure
- gold panning.
To conclude this point on water demands we note that in the absence of data specific to the area of competence of the GSA, we remain in the national level estimates which are:
- irrigation: 64%
- domestic water: 21%
- breeding: 14%
However, demands for public works and buildings, for industry and for gold panning are increasing in the area.