Instances and organization of the Gourma Water Agency

At the end of article 8 of the constitutive convention, the bodies and the management and administrative bodies of the Gourma Water Agency are:

  • the Basin Committee
  • board of directors
  • the general direction
  • Local Water Committees

The Basin Committee

The basin committee, which is the General Assembly of the Gourma Water Agency, is made up (at the end of article 10) of three colleges of members on a joint basis and distributed as follows:

Sixteen (16) state representatives:

  • One (01) representative of the Ministry in charge of Water
  • One (01) representative of the Ministry in charge of Agriculture
  • One (01) representative of the Ministry responsible for the Environment
  • One (01) representative of the Ministry in charge of Finance
  • One (01) representative of the Ministry responsible for Territorial Communities
  • One (01) representative of the Ministry of Health
  • One (01) representative of the Ministry in charge of Infrastructure
  • One (01) representative of the Ministry responsible for Livestock
  • One (01) representative of the Ministry of Mines
  • One (01) representative of the Ministry responsible for Regional Planning
  • One (01) representative of the Ministry in charge of Research
  • One (01) representative of the Ministry responsible for Housing and Town Planning
  • One (01) representative of the Ministry responsible for the Promotion of Women
  • One (01) representative of the Ministry responsible for Tourism
  • One (01) representative of the Ministry in charge of Industry
  • One (01) representative of the Ministry of Energy.

Sixteen (16) representatives of Territorial Collectivities:

The number of representatives on the Basin Committee of the College of Territorial Collectivities is sixteen (16) for the Gourma. These representatives are appointed respectively within the 50 communes of that of Gourma. The appointment is made through coordination of the Presidents of the Regional Council and the Governors of the area of ​​competence.

To this end, several criteria will be taken into account in particular:

  • membership of the municipality entirely or partially in the management area
  • the area of ​​the municipality in space in terms of percentage; (geographic size)
  • the importance of the activities carried out there in connection with water resources.

Sixteen (16) representatives of the different categories of Users (members of private law):

At the end of article 11 of the constitutive agreement, the (16) sixteen representatives of the categories of users of the Gourma management space are designated from socio-professional organizations and the associative sector.
Several criteria must be taken into account for a good representativeness of the different activity sectors and a better participation in the Basin Committee.

Board of directors.

The Board of Directors is the executive body of the Gourma Water Agency;
As such, its mission is to implement the guidelines defined by the Basin Committee;

The Board of Directors is composed on the one hand:

  • 5 state representatives
  • 5 representatives of local authorities
  • 5 representatives of the different categories of users
  • And on the other hand, the staff of the Gourma Water Agency.

The general direction.

The Director General ensures the functioning of the Gourma Water Agency under the authority of the Board of Directors and under the conditions set by the Basin Committee;
He is the chief budget officer of the Gourma Water Agency;
He reports to the Board of Directors on the activity of the Gourma Water Agency.

Local Water Committees.

The CLEs are local bodies for consultation, exchange, animation and promotion associating all the actors concerned at the local level, for the management of water resources. The CLEs are made up of representatives of the State, water users and local authorities in their area of ​​competence.
