Reforestation of the banks of the Dargo dam

As part of the protection of the banks of the dam Dargo by the restoration of vegetation cover, the Gourma Water Agency has proceeded with its traditional reforestation activity in order to contribute to the preservation of this dam. During this campaign, 9,400 seedlings were planted, including 1,500 fruit trees and 7,000 thorny trees, forming …

First ordinary session 2017 of the Board of Directors of AEG

The Gourma Water Agency held the first session of its Board of Directors on April 11, 2017 in Ziniaré. With the exception of one, almost all the advisers and the staff representative were present The agenda included consideration of the physical and financial balance sheet for 2016 and the review of the annual work program …

Training of trainers workshop on the harmonization of the governance approach for setting up Local Water Committees (CLE)

From 15 to 17 February, a training workshop for trainers was held in the meeting room of the Directorate General of Hydraulic Infrastructures in Ouagadougou, on the harmonization of the governance approach for the establishment of Local Committees for Water, Water (CLE). This meeting brought together the five water agencies of Burkina Faso Koom (Nakanbe, …

Working visit of the World Waternet delegation

From February 13 to 17, 2017, a WWn mission consisting of Piet Johan RADSMA, Adrien AZE, Jolanda Van DIJK, visited Burkina Faso (Ouagadougou, Fada N’Gourma). The objective of this working visit was to take stock of the activities carried out during the year 2016 within the framework of the partnership and to discuss perspectives. Activities …
