Regional Forum on the theme «Capitalization and scaling up of good IWRM practices for water security and resilience of populations in the UEMOA region» : the Gourma Water Agency among the six (6) best promoters of good practices in the UEMOA region.

Regional Forum on the theme «Capitalization and scaling up of good IWRM practices for water security and resilience of populations in the UEMOA region» : the Gourma Water Agency among the six (6) best promoters of good practices in the UEMOA region.


From 28 to 30 November 2023, the Regional Forum was held at the Splendid Hotel in Ouagadougou on the theme « Capitalization and scaling up of good IWRM practices for water security and resilience of populations in the UEMOA region » organized by the Commission of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA) in partnership with the State of Burkina Faso, Global Water Partership – West Africa (GWP-WA), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the Embassy of the Netherlands in Burkina Faso, Pôle Eau Dakar and the Water Convention.

The main objective of the Regional Forum was to advance the implementation of IWRM for water security and resilient development through the promotion of innovative and successful good practices in the implementation of the approach in the UEMOA region. The specific objectives were: discuss the issues, achievements, challenges as well as opportunities and prospects for the implementation of IWRM for water security and resilient development in the UEMOA region; to learn about innovative and successful IWRM good practices in the UEMOA region and to make a self-assessment focused on the implementation approaches, the results obtained, the lessons learned as well as their potential for sustainability and replicability; propose interventions and recommendations to be implemented at different levels to deepen, consolidate and scale up the innovative and successful good practices in the implementation of IWRM documented to ensure water security and resilient development in the UEMOA region; recognize the merit of institutions or organizations that have developed innovative and successful good practices in the implementation of IWRM documented at the local, national and cross-border levels in the UEMOA region.

To this end, a call for the submission of summaries of good practices was launched to all stakeholders involved in IWRM in the UEMOA region. The call registered 77 abstracts which were submitted for evaluation by a Scientific and Technical Committee (STC) set up for this purpose. The CST chose 42 good practices, 2 of which were carried out by the Gourma Water Agency : « Community monitoring of water resources through community relays » and « Experimentation with artificial groundwater recharge in the Sirba Amont sub-basin ».

The good practices selected by the CST were documented in detail and presented during the forum by the leaders. At the end of this stage, the final selection focused on six (6) best practices that will represent the 8 UEMOA countries at the next World Water Forum scheduled for May 2024 in Bali, Indonesia. The Gourma Water Agency will be there with the « Community monitoring of water resources through community relays » selected among the 6 best practices.

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