Installation Ceremony of the new AEG Basin Committee
On August 16, 2018 was held in the conference room of the Regional Council of East Fada N’Gourma, the official ceremony of installation of the new Committee of Basin (CB) of the Water Agency Gourma (AEG). The ceremony was chaired by the Secretary General of the Eastern Region. In his opening speech, he located the issues related to the water resource in a context of multiple and competitive uses. He urged new members to invest in meeting the challenges of the water sector.
As a reminder, the members of the Basin Committee are appointed for a three-year term, renewable once. The first Basin Committee (CB) was installed in 2013 and the ceremony this morning marks the renewal of this instance of the AEG.
The AEG CB has forty-eight (48) members on a parity basis between the three colleges of actors, the Administration, the communities and the users.