First ordinary session of the Board of Directors of the Gourma Water Agency
The gourma water agency held on April 7, 2015 the first ordinary session of its board of directors of the year in the conference room of the Djamou hotel in Tenkodogo, this first session brought together all the members board in addition to two guests from the DGTCP and the DGRE.
Four agendas were discussed during the session • Examination of the annual activity report for 2014: During 2014, out of an initial budget of 221 240 500 F, the AEG received funding from 105,000,000 F. The financial execution rate slaughtered is 90.27%, which made it possible to have a physical execution rate of 80.6%.
The 2015 PTB Review: In 2015, the AEG budgeted its work plan at 139,589,500 F. For various reasons, only 100,132,500 F is available.
Review of staff grievances: AEG staff submitted two grievances that were received favorably, regarding a monthly fuel allowance and wifi connection
Miscellaneous: They concerned the AEG website as well as the provisional organization chart that the general manager wishes to put in place.
The directors commended AEG for the hard work. They also