Financial Contribution in Water (CFE): AEG raises awareness among mayors of its space
On August 28, 2017, the Gourma Water Agency (AEG) organized a workshop at Koupela for the mayors of its management space. Chaired by the Secretary General of Kourittenga Province, the workshop aimed to sensitize local elected officials on texts related to the financial contribution to water (CFE) and to harmonize understanding on the recovery process.
The CFE is a parafiscal charge instituted by the State and recovered by the Water Agencies to finance actions to protect and preserve water resources. This CFE introduces 3 types of taxes, namely the raw water levy ; The water change tax and the water pollution tax.
As a reminder, the AEG is a public interest grouping agreed upon between the State and the local and regional authorities of the Eastern, Central-Eastern, Central-North, Central Plateau and Sahel regions.