Development of AEG and AEL SDAGEs: Updated studies submitted for review by resource persons
The Water Agencies of Gourma (AEG) and Liptako (AEL) held on Friday, May 26, 2023 in Tenkodogo, a workshop to present the results of the update of the status reports and scenario documents and water resources development plans, produced as part of the development of their Water Development and Management Master Plans (SDAGE). Chaired by Mr. Boubakar ILBOUDO representative of the Secretary General (SG) of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Sanitation (MEEA) and Director General of the Directorate of Studies and Sector Statistics (DGESS) of the MEEA, the objective of this meeting was to present to the resource persons the results of the updating of the documents produced in order to gather their opinions and continue the process of developing these SDAGEs, strategic planning tools for better management of water resources. It should be noted that it was in 2019 that the Water Agencies of Gourma and Liptako undertook the development of their SDAGEs.
To date, for each of these two agencies:
- ten (10) thematic reports;
- a condition report and;
- a scenario report and development plan have been drawn up.
In addition, the AEG has a draft SDAGE draft and a draft report of the Strategic Environmental Assessment of its draft SDAGE. These documents had been drawn up with the time limit of 2030. When validating the documents, it was recommended to review the time horizon to at least twenty (20) years to be in compliance with the terms provided for by law N °024-2018/AN of May 28, 2018 on the orientation law on the planning and sustainable development of the territory in Burkina Faso and those of law n ° 034-2018/AN of July 27, 2018 on the steering and management of development in Burkina Faso. At the same time, an update of the data was necessary with regard to the dynamics of the evolution of the population and socio-economic activities. The updating of the data was carried out by a committee set up for this purpose, made up of technicians from the two water agencies, the DGESS/MEEA, the General Directorate for Territorial Development (DGDT) and supported by the Secretariat Technique for Integrated Water Resources Management (ST/GIRE). After the presentation of the updated documents, the resource persons suggested making the process of drafting the documents more participatory by involving the members of the Basin Committees of the two agencies, continuing discussions with the General Directorate of Territorial Development with a view to harmonize methodological issues.