Study trip and share experience with the CLE High Comoe Banfora
The Water Agency Gourma ( AEG ) and its Local Committees for Water ( CLE ) conducted a study tour and sharing of experience with CLE High Comoe Banfora from 25 to 29 January 2015. the purpose of this trip was to learn from the experience of the allocation of water resources in the Upper Comoé CLE , and visit some achievements such as the dam Mossodougou , Toussiana and the irrigation system SN SOSUCO .
Rational, equitable and sustainable water resources remains a concern in the AEG Management space. Thus AEG relies on its CLE which are the basic links of the institutional framework of the approach of Integrated water resources management (IWRM) for the implementation of actions at the local level to deal with issues of governance water. It is in light of the important role played by CLE and advanced deterioration of infrastructure and water resources meet growing needs, it appeared important to establish mechanisms for better distribution of water the benefit of users. In order to strengthen the capacity of CLE AEG, the DGAEG has organized this study trip and share experiences with the CLE High Comoé that a very large experience in water allocation . This CLE also has the distinction of having existed before the creation of the Water Agency of the Cascades.
This trip CLE AEG leave enhancing experience that will allow them probably significantly reduce use conflicts related to the management of this scarce resource. During this journey, participants are working in workshops and on field trips. During the workshops, it was a question of theoretical presentation, communication on AEG and AEC, CLE CLE High Comoé and AEG. For field trips, rice plain fitted Karfiguela, hydraulic structures and Toussiana Moussodougou and especially its allocation system were visited. A particière attention was given to the dam Moussodougou which water used to irrigate sugar cane fields of the SN SOSUCO, supplying oneâ Banfora. It also helps to irrigate rice plain Karfiguela and farm market garden located along the river Comoé, etc. At the completion of this study trip, the after mentioned the difficulties of both sides, made a recommendation, it is that of seeing enhance the partnership between CLE and CLE High Comoé of AEG.