Study of spatial coverage of CLE in Nakanbé and the Niger Basin
Since the adoption of the new water policy in Burkina Faso in July 1998 through the policy document and strategy of water, the water sector is resolutely turned towards the online manual GIRE.
At the end of Article 20 of the Framework Act on February 2001 water management and related to IWRM, it is provided at watershed setting up structures whose missions and functions are related to the water management. To this end, the DGRE has undertaken since 2004, the establishment of CLE in national watershed of Burkina Faso. Thirty CLE spread over national pools Mouhoun, Nakanbé and Niger have previously been established, based on socio-economic and environmental criteria, such as the importance of uses, the degradation resource, but mainly on the existence of potential or actual conflicts related to water use.
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Study of spatial coverage of CLE in Nakanbé and the Niger Basin
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