Protection of water resources
The AEG in collaboration with local residents destroy invasive plants Dam boudieri in the rural commune of Kantchari.
From 25 to 29 May 2015 took place the work of destruction of invasive plants boudieri dam, led by a team from the Directorate General of Water Agency Gourma (DGAEG) in collaboration with the Provincial Directorate Environment and Water Resources Tapoa (DPERH-Tapoa). The destruction of these invasive plants meet one of the main missions of the AEG, namely the preservation of its water resources management space.
Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is a process aimed at the different actors of cooperation in water sector, promoting a rational and qualitative water management between these various actors, protect and guarantee all the resource water. The Burkina Faso with great challenges in the water sector has opted for this new approach to water management. As for the effectiveness of IWRM, structures such as the Water Agencies have been set up. The AEG created January 24, 2011 lead since several actions to achieve this goal.
These invasive plants demolitions of boudieri dam are an example among the range of actions carried out under the protection of water resources its competence area. Under this work over two hectares of da bowl was cleared of these polymorphic plants that represented a real threat to biodiversity.
The population of boudieri a salute to fair value this initiative of the diblock DGAEG because she “AEG has brought a breath blow to village boudieri because these invasive plants threaten the very existence of the dam gold Dam is the essence of the village “