Holding of the first session of the Governing Council of AEG
On 11 and 12 November 2014 , held in Fada N’Gourma the first regular session of the Governing Council of the Water Agency Gourma .
This first session was to :
- The official installation of the members of the Governing Council (GC )
- the adoption and approval of the rules of the Board,
- the adoption and validation of the organizational chart of the Directorate General of Water Agency Gourma
- capacity building of members of the Board of Directors.
Fourteen of the sixteen directors were present and were installed by the President of the Basin Committee (PCBs ), Ms. MARE / TAPSOBA Gisele. The rest of the work was directed by a conference board composed of the Chairman of the Board (PCA) , Mr Saydou Kanazoé ( DREAHA ) , Secretary of the session , Ms. Flora N DU BARRY / BATIONO ( DGAEG ) and Ms larba OUOBA / NABA (CM / MEAHA ) .
The first day was marked by two presentations by the DGAEG and PS / IWRM , Mr Moustapha CONGO . They respectively covered the following topics : “Overview of the Water Agency Gourma : achievements and prospects. “And” Roles and responsibilities of the Board of Directors of AEG . ” The discussions that followed helped raise concerns and to raise awareness among administrators.
On the second day, she saw the adoption and validation of the internal regulations of the Board, and the chart of DGAEG , subject to the amendments made .
The completion of the second day ended the first session of the Board which was marked by a spirit of friendliness and interest of the directors. Appointment is made for the second session to be held in January in Tenkodogo