Development of the SDAGE: the AEG validates the inventory of the AEP in its area of competence
As part of the development of its master plan for water development and management (SDAGE), the Gourma water agency is in charge of carrying out certain studies including the inventory of supply in drinking water from its area of competence. To this end, the technical unit which carried out the end-to-end study had submitted it for pre-validation to the various actors who had contributed to its development. The amendments resulting from this meeting helped to improve the document, which led to the presentation of the study to the specialized committee on Thursday, May 28, 2020 in Koupéla for its validation.
In her opening remarks, the session chairperson welcomed the participants and thanked them for their presence. Then, she recalled the objective of the workshop, namely to validate the study of the EDL AEP as a first step, and secondly, to examine the status of consideration of amendments from previous thematic studies. Finally, she ended her remarks by wishing everyone a good working session.
The previously established work schedule has undergone a slight modification; a health break replaced the coffee break which was brought back at the end of the work. Then the participants agreed to take up the work of the second day in case the validation session ends early.
Following the adoption of the timetable, a tour de table allowed the participants to introduce themselves before Mr. Omar Kodo TALL, Director of Water and Environment proceeded to present the report.
After the presentation, participants intervened to make contributions and ask questions about the report. Overall, the work of the technical unit was positively appreciated for its clarity and the relevance of the information.
After a summary of the day’s work, the participants validated the report on the AEP, subject to taking into account the amendments. The session chairperson encouraged the technical unit to improve the document for tabling as soon as possible. She closed the session by thanking the participants for their contributions.